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About us


  God Placed it upon Kenneth and Vickie Campbell's hearts to build a place such as Peace Valley. In early 2015 They begin the construction of the four cabins and pavilions. At Peace Valley we understand that with the busy schedules and demands of many pastors, missionaries, and Church leaders, that often times the intimate relationship you once had with God can seem to be neglected. We all need that alone time with with God so he can refresh, restore, refocus and equip us to carryout the mission he has called us to.Peace Valley is 58 acres of peace and quiet in the Ozarks, nesteled in beneath the river bluffs that overlook the Gasconade river, in Pulaski county Missouri. Peace Valley is a place of rest and renewal for Christian Missionaries, Pastors and family, Evangelists, men and women study groups, and youth groups. A place to be with the Father without the distractions of everyday life. 
  At Peace Valley you can take that much needed and necessary time to experience God's Presence and renewal. To spend that one on one time with him in prayer and in his word, While surrounded by his creation. If we look to Jesus we see how he often times went to a quiet place to pray, to a place without distraction, to be with the Father in prayer. In Mark 1:12-13 Jesus goes off into the desert and spends 40 days alone with God the Father, before starting his ministry. Again in Mark 1:35 Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to be alone with the Father before choosing his twelve disciples. In Luke 5:16 He withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed. At Peace Valley there is no fee charged for the use of the cabins. We accepet donations of what ever you are led to give. For reservations or more information click on the Visit us link below.

Kenneth and Vickie Campbell

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